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Old 06-04-2009, 10:45 AM   #5
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....BOB86zz4: for about $400 you can get a pre-oiler that will pump any oil into the journals and bearings every time you start it....the companies are dying so you might get one for $100 if you look around....larger inboard boats use them as they sit more and more...with synthetic they are not necessary for dry starts and the military doesn't use them at all that i"m aware of on any wheeled equipment since the start of the synthetic revolution.....['course the average life span in the war theater is only 30 days for wheeled equipment these days....but that is another issue altogether].....I'd suggest you e-mail Blackstone and Shell for their views......I could never figure why the engine oil system would be so critical and the auto tranny and rears and of course the lockers in the pumpkins wasn't mentioned by the pre-oiler guys since the systems also require lubrication on movement-they responded that they weren't so necessary-OK but it is whole bunch of systems that work together.....[apparently I don't know chit about mechanical systems-to the pre-oiler sales goons at truck shows] and caught bad looks from them while asking that question in front of others........anyway the Shell guys at Mid-America Truck Show and Great America Truck Show said that per-oilers were unnecessary with synthetics now....I'm just passing along stuff I have learned over the years by asking questions and looking at their research.....take it for what it's worth.....geofkaye
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