......FUEL MILEAGE WILL BE >5.0 MPG WITH THE TRAILER AT MOST<300 hp....AT 55MPH. are sure one can get away with such a small unite to tow with?...."I"wouldn't tow with it-but alone it sounds good-without the price being stated-I'd suggest around $55-60k sight unseen........HDT will get better mileage and provide more safety and the towing issue will never be a problem.....also one can have the engine de-rated to improve fuel mileage.....watch for the attic separating at the inside cut just above the cab and a wrinkle starting in that area between the window-[should there be one in the area less than 2' from the cut] and the cut out....they have a tendency to start there......dam hard to fix with the type of lamination that united uses.......geofkaye