...one other issue and that is driver usage.....when I had P/U's the trucks were dead at 200k and with the MTD the trucks were cheaper and went 300k till it was time to unload-but the cab was rusted off the frame[years vs. mileage issue] and it was a matter of how much I wanted to drop into cab steel work to keep them on the road....with the 2 steps for a MTD my Workers Comp was up with falls from cab to ground and mad drivers....with the P/U's -never had the problem......before my HDT....I used to laugh at the drivers when they told me about falling on their butt.....then, I fell in Florida 2 weeks ago....NOT SO DAMN FUNNY NOW!......three steps....in front of a group of people....NOT FUNNY AT ALL ......the group learned a few Military Terms for trucks and laughing people in general.....didn't think I could get mad like that anymore.......my pride wasn't hurt[that went a long time ago]... but my back is killing me still...geofkaye